October Is Here – It Must Be Google Classroom Time

October means many things in the art room, the first of which is getting all of my classes on Google Classroom (GC). I will be using GC to send out assignments and collect finished work. In the art room, students take photos of her/his artwork at varying stages and post the photos to GC for me to see. Students will also write artist statements to reflect on their work. My students and I have found GC to be super helpful over the past couple of years with the centralized instruction and efficient sharing of resources it offers.

You may sign in to receive summaries of our activity. You may not actually participate in the class, but instead observe what we are doing. For information on just how to do that, visit the Guidelines for Guardians. Please know if you ever have questions about your child’s class, you can always email me at agentili@mursd.org.

These codes have been altered and won’t allow access to classes…muahahahaha!


  1. Hello,
    I enjoy your blog! I am wondering if you could offer me some advice. I just received a grant for a class set of iPads! I teach art to 5th and 6th grade. I only see my kids one hour per week for one semester, so about 16 times a year. I teach one semester at one school and then move to another school second semester. Each school has about 600 students, so 1,200 total. I would love to start using google classroom, but I am not sure about the best way to set up my classes. I teach eleven sections at each grade level, so technically only two classes. Would it be best to set it up as 22 different classes, or just one class and have students carefully note each assignment with their homeblock teacher?
    Any other advice or resources you have for a fellow art teacher just getting started with google classroom would be much appreciated!

    • Hi Steph – I actually recommend setting them up as separate classes, especially if you have the kids turn in work on GC. Setting up a class is ez pz and it keeping them separate will help you keep from getting overwhelmed. Good luck with everything 🙂

      • Thank you so much for your speedy reply! You are such a ROCKSTAR!
        Your students and other art teachers, like myself are lucky to have you as an inspiration!

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